david miller
I never know what to write for something like this. How do I describe myself to someone who has never met me? I guess I will use the answer that is my "go to" when someone asks me what I do for a living: I tell them that I teach, I preach and I hang out with people. That basically sums up my professional life, as a pastor.

Crystal Komis
Crystal puts her small business and non-profit experience to work behind the scenes here at BCC to "crunch the numbers". When not behind her desk in the office, she is homeschooling her daughters, riding horses or at the beach.

cindy mcdowell
little disciples preschool director
Through all the ups and downs of ministry, here at Beneva, there has been one constant - Little Disciples Preschool. When the church was struggling, the preschool thrived. As the church continues to wrestle with who we are, the preschool already knows. A big reason for this lasting success has been the leadership of Cindy.

jim dilmore
chairman of the board
When Jim isn't out catching the big one, he serves Beneva. He keeps us organized, up and running. He makes sure the "I's" are dotted and that the "T's" are crossed. The ministry of the Board Chair is a "keep us on track" ministry. And Jim is great at it!

Jon & Tanya hart
Technology & Music
Jon handles our technology - livestreaming, computers, internet and Sunday morning services. He's wicked smart! Tanya handles our music and leads the Praise Band. She keeps us singing and worshiping!